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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2019

How to Avoid Environmental Toxins During Pregnancy

For an expectant mother, the health of an unborn baby is a primary concern. While the female body is incredibly adept at creating a barrier between a growing fetus and the various toxins that are present in the surrounding environment, there are environmental toxins which can affect the health of a baby in utero. The mother can prevent these environmental toxins from reaching her unborn child by reducing her own exposure to these toxins. If you are concerned about the health of your child during your pregnancy and want to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins, you can follow these few simple steps. 1 → Research the common toxins that can affect an unborn child. The best way to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins is to understand which toxins in the environment can affect the health of an unborn child. It is impossible to completely avoid all toxins in the environment. Chemicals are everywhere, and even a mother who stays indoors all the time will still be exposed to va

How to Sue for Birth Injuries

Birth injuries generally happen because something went wrong with the delivery process itself. If your child was injured at birth, you may have a personal injury or medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor or healthcare provider in charge of the delivery. To sue for birth injuries, you must prove that the medical professional who handled your baby's delivery failed to meet the generally accepted standard for medical care.[1] Part 1 - Building Your Case 1 → Gather information. You need information about your healthcare provider as well as medical records related to your prenatal care and delivery to establish liability for your child's birth injuries. → Birth injuries generally involve one of two situations: Either your doctor failed to adequately assess or respond to conditions during delivery, resulting in an avoidable injury to the baby; or the baby was injured due to a prenatal condition, such as a drug you took while pregnant that was prescribed by your doctor. → I

How to Arrange Hospice Care

Hospice focuses on patients with terminal illnesses living out their last days in comfort. Hospice care is recommended for patients who have received diagnoses of less than 6 months to live due to terminal illnesses, such as cancer or Alzheimer's. Hospice is family-oriented, as the family stays involved in all aspects of decision-making and patient care, while a team of hospice caregivers attend to patient monitoring, medications, and therapy. If you or a loved one is facing a terminal illness, use these tips to learn how to arrange hospice care. Part 1 - Determining Eligibility 1 → Watch for signs it may be time to move to hospice. A number of signs can point to the fact that it may be time for the patient to enter hospice care. For instance, the patient may stay in bed all the time, contract more infections, have more pain, and experience rapid weight loss. The patient may also be increasingly weaker, as well as needing to visit the hospital more often. In addition, you may noti

How to Start a Plant‐Based Diet

For some, a plant-based diet means reducing processed food and meat in their diet. Others may plan to go fully vegan. Eating a plant-based diet has many benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, inflammatory diseases, and type 2 diabetes.[1] No matter what your intent is, there are many simple, delicious ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Start with small substitutions and changes in your diet. Replace animal products and processed foods with tasty plant based options. Just make sure that you're getting enough calcium, iron, and B12 by eating the right foods. Method 1 - Establishing a New Diet 1 → Visit your doctor or dietitian to make sure a plant-based diet is right for you. Before making any significant change in your diet, it is a good idea to speak to a doctor or registered dietitian. They can provide advice on meal plans, vitamin supplements, or lifestyle changes. These may be tailored to your particular level of fitness and healt

How to Get Energy in the Morning

Many of us wake up in the morning completely drained of energy. We drag ourselves out of bed, stuff a piece of toast in our mouth, and hope we remember to put on pants before we leave the house. There's a better approach. Learn how to teach your body and brain to wake up alert and stay that way throughout the day. Part 1 - Improving Your Daily Routine 1 → Keep the snooze button out of reach. Waking up and falling back asleep can trigger the start of a whole new wave of sleep hormones. Don't rely on your selfish morning persona not to hit the snooze button. Move your alarm clock so you have to get out of bed to turn it off, the first time you hear it. 2 → Wake up to the right type of light. Our brain expects us to get up in the early morning, bathed in bright, bluish light. If this is roughly the time you wake up, keep the curtains open so your body doesn't think it's night. Otherwise, consider purchasing a dawn-simulating alarm clock. This will gradually increase the