With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to believe what other people say without knowing the facts for yourself. Thinking for yourself can be hard, but there are ways to do it. Start by improving your critical thinking skills. You can reexamine the things you think and begin to question everything you're told. Staying true to your beliefs can help, too. It might be a good idea to write those beliefs down so you can refer to them when you're feeling unsure. Finally, rely on experts' knowledge and gather your own evidence to inform your opinions. Method 1 - Practicing Critical Thinking 1 → Tackle one problem each day. Everyone faces problems or issues in their day-to-day lives, whether it's who to vote for, what job offer to accept, or how to deal with a family member. Each day, break one of these problems down in your free time. → Identify the problem and decide whether or not it's something you have control over, like what job offer you accept or you